*Means dirt/mud/scum-eating. One of my favorite words; but, alas, don’t get to use it much
• Story
Thanks, folks, for not taking my graphical guffaws as theological and understanding that they are merely superficial exploitations of stereotypes for cheap and/or lame jokes
I’m surprised she wasn’t standing in front of the nearest volcano…sacrifices must be made.
The Earth Goddess is a saint.
She was canonized in progressive Catholic parishes, along with Saint Greta.
Their prophet is called the Goracle (or Gorequemada if he’s angry and/or down to his last $50mil).
You know, the Catholic parishes that don’t believe in God and do encourage abortion.
Someone got the Earth Goddess angry.
Please do not confuse Catholics with Nancy Pelosi. She claims to be Catholic. If I were the bishop of San Francisco, I would have explicitly excommunicated her years ago.
I don’t think Nancy is Catholic. I’m also skeptical about Francis.
^4 Joel –
She was excommunicated a couple months ago:
I guess excommunication bothers Nancy P about as much as Contempt of Congress bothers Eric Holder.
^ #7 Rickn8tor
I’m willing to bet she has no soul (that she could find with both hands and a searchlight), so, less.
I’d ask if it were possible for someone to shut her up, but it is SO entertaining to read about her latest foolishness with my morning coffee. Carry on!
Thanks, folks, for not taking my graphical guffaws as theological and understanding that they are merely superficial exploitations of stereotypes for cheap and/or lame jokes
Hmm, is it still an ethnic joke, if its object is political satire?
Prob’ly worry about it, if’n I were gettin’ paid here,
but there’s nothing about it in the Guys Just Entertaining Themselves on the Internet Union handbook
The only problem I had was you didn’t use my favorite template for Nancy.
The Feckless Count, of course.
Veeshir ^
pushes cigar across internet]
Believe it or not, that actually was the first version
(What? Nah, goin’ to bed. These guys know my shtick before it’s posted)
Okay, okay, it’s updated. Heeeeere ya go!

Love the template, hate the subject so it’s sorta a win/lose proposition.