If the whole Biden ’24 goal collapses any further,
I’ll wager that the Dems will do something drastic
to protect against their worst nightmare
If the whole Biden ’24 goal collapses any further,
I’ll wager that the Dems will do something drastic
to protect against their worst nightmare
You know the NYTimesWashPostCNNNBCABCCBSFOXNEWSetc. would use that argument with a straight face.
‘Course, he wasn’t sworn in to a second term, so technically it hasn’t started – it’s jut that everything Biden did would be considered void.
(As if the damage could be undone…) If Trump IS sworn in before Nov ’24, then this being past the mid-point it doesn’t count as a full term, and he would be eligible to run for a second full term.
(Oh, the gnashing of teeth THAT would cause…)
Correct on all points, as usual,
which makes my joke even lamer than intended
(Just gotta say – I love that *mpuff* you use with the guy in the background (with the punchline). The occasional pipe and cigar smoker in me says that is perfect.)
yeah, that’s my favorite riff
[taps ash off seegar into heavy antique cut-glass ashtray]
Wait, so Trump’s own DOJ would have been pursuing ridiculous charges against him? Why doesn’t he just fire Garland?