Dress code restored
“There is a loophole, though: senators are only required to dress properly while on the Senate floor.
They have the option of shouting their votes from the Senate cloakroom:
In his private remarks to Democrats on Wednesday, Fetterman said he’ll continue to vote from the cloakroom if he’s not wearing a suit, according to Punchbowl.”
Who let Sen. John Fetterman, (Moron-Lower Slobbovia) out of his Senate utility room office?
OK, then….but why is Fetterman’s goatee suddenly missing, a new brown mustache, his nose changed shape, what happened to his forearm tattoos and how did he suddenly learn to speak coherently overnight ? We’re being shown a body double here.
This should be easy to confirm – there, probably, are fingerprints somewhere, even from household items then and the New Fettermen himself now, plus DNA evidence from before & now. And, a body-swap could not be done without Senate Democrat leadership being in on it AND Republicans acquiescing to it. THAT alone should bring down the house of cards on Capitol Hill.
I say we proclaim “fake” and make them prove New Fetterman is not.
Or, we could accept it, and start electing Fred Smith because he’s photogenic and then have Harvey Schmertz take his seat in the Senate of House because Harvey ‘Is Our Guy” and there wouldn’t be anything TPTB could do about it because they accepted the Fetterman Swap that started it.
Exit question: Is Mrs. Fetterman happy with the switch? Did it improve the bedroom athletics? (Maybe it was Mrs. Fetterman’s idea in the first place and she talked Schumer into it.)
Second Exit Question: The guy in the Senate is a body double – what happened to the original Fetterman who was elected? Did Guido & Co. send him to Sleep With The Fishes? If so, who paid for it?
“Really nice Constitutional Republic you have here, be a shame if something happened to it.”
Had another thought – how about usng voiceprint technology to identify the “different Fettermans”?
The blatantness of the Fettermen switch is the point.
Rubbing our faces in lies and forcing us to accept it seems to be the point.
Long ago I started despising the folks who vote for despicable pols less than I despise those pols.
It started watching NY pols get re-elected and hardened with Nevada voters re-electing Harry Reid after he started rooting against America in Iraq.
Pennsylvania voters voting for that schlub have joined that club.
People of Walmart no longer inhabit just Walmart.
At least Zelinsky had his big-boy pants on.