Looks like this was solved (but a joke’s a joke, so it stays here).
Trump then threatened to tariff Columbia for not taking returnees,
and the Left started a stadium-wave of gotchas over coffee prices,
but that wave died before making it all the way around the stadium
when Columbia agreed.
Interesting times… interesting times
air Pinochet…
We’re going to do a slow low pass, bend your knees and roll…
(Proposed phone call from DJT to whichever corrupt *ssh*le is currently in charge of that third world sh*thole.)
Hello, Presidente Sheinbaum? This is Don. Look, either our planes land wherever we want them to, or we shut off the dollar faucet. Yeah, not one rojo centavo until you come to your senses. Oh, and just to show we’re serious, we’re going to close all the border crossings for a few days. Maybe a week. Or more. Have a nice day!
Yep, and it’s best to be first in line in case they run out of parachutes.
LAPE… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-altitude_parachute-extraction_system
wow, that’s awesome, maybe like a platform with seats attached, like those amusement park rides, that’s even better.
Anywhere, Anytime’, is a song set to “I Can’t Drive 55′. It’s a love song to the C-17 Globemaster III. One of the bits is a ‘LAPE extraction’ of pallets loaded with crates. Enjoy!
Saw today that was Fake News from NBSee us lie.
I don’t know which it is. 4 flights did land, according to that source.
It stinks that we can’t trust anybody to tell the truth.
I’m sure they fixed it,
but the joke stands
Remember, the left is still running their playbook from 2016-2020. However, President Trump knows that playbook inside and out and has managed to nullify the “lie to MSM” play. On top of that, President Trump is way inside the OODA loop of the left, because, again, he knows their playbook.
When Biden’s Brain Trust took over, the largest size Folger’s was $9 and change. Now it’s $16 and change.
Tell me again how Trump is going to raise coffee prices.