US Orbital Launches this Week • MON FL Falcon9 Starlink • TUE CA Falcon9 Transporter Rideshare ☽ WED FL Falcon9 Blue Ghost Lunar Lander ▶︎ THU FL New Glenn Maiden Flight MADE IT INTO ORBIT! Looks like the booster didn't survive entry burn. ▶︎ THU TX Starship #7 BOOSTER CAUGHT!Looks like the ship was lost during ascent. Likely causeMechazilla has caught the Super Heavy booster!
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) January 16, 2025______ • Updated: 18 JAN 1600 (times Eastern) • Last weekStarship breaking, creating beauty and KNOWLEDGE! Go SpaceX
— Jakey (@JacobBaker613) January 16, 2025
Lotsa 404’s on that linkage, Doug. Did you forget to fill in the URL? (Please don’t be like the gooberment idiots in LA…)
No worries, I always go to to the Space Monkey Launch Schedule site anyway. Just razzin’ ya.
*heh* Yeah,
I totally forgot to add the links.
Fixed, thanks!
That’ll teach me to not check 1am work
Still think it’s funny Elon refers to Starship as a giant Pez dispenser.
That’s because the people at SpaceX are a fun bunch and have a great sense of humor (in case you hadn’t noticed…)
Today’s Starlink mission is a success, according to SpaceX.
Stayed up for Blue Origin launch last night – good thing I’m retired…
Kept pushing the launch time out more and more (weather downrange sucked) and finally slapped up against the launch window and said, “Screw it! Tomorrow’s another day.”
Fingers crossed.
BTW, I give ’em a 30% chance of success. They will most likely clear the tower…
Space operations is hard. And expensive.
Yeah, me too.
Did a half-dozen updates as they slipped.
First-time’s the hardest.
Darn it, “New Glenn” doesn’t have that rather suggestive shape. I was sort of extrapolating from Mechazilla, wondering what sort of mechanism might be used to catch the previous iteration of the Bezos rocket.
Y’mean the Flesh Gordon ship?

That’s a suggestive shape:
They have to pixelate the other for showing in Japan.
Blue Origin did good.
“Looks like the booster didn’t survive entry burn.”
Software was limited to 100km, since that’s what Blue Origin called ‘space’ for Bozos’ penis rocket.
Will we need to wait another 10 years for the next New Glenn try?
Perfect Superheavy catch, looks like the ship is lost–waiting for more news.
Appears the ship broke up during re-entry.
Anyone else watch the catch more than once?
*raises hand