Imagine you’re an alien ship captain about to invade Earth,
and you detect all this near-Earth satellite traffic.
Would you chance it or assume that this is a planetary defense system?
I wonder if the astronomers looking for extra-terrestrial planets
hosting advanced, intelligent life are looking for a dense sphere of
satellites surrounding those planets. Seems like that would be a phase
of development that advanced technical civilizations must pass through.
(What? Well, yeah, satellites as we know ’em would be too small to detect from here,
but the thought still applies)
There’s yer proof that Climate Change is man…oops…human…. caused!
Lookit all that junk blocking the sun!
Ice Age risk?
Ice Age – No, Goebbels Warming – the shell of satelllites hold in the CO2 which would otherwise escape and let the Climate be stable!
– some sciency millennial
You mean the CO2 which is heavier than air and remains close to the ground so it can’t trap heat in the upper atmosphere? That CO2?
(sticks fingers in ears yells) NO NO NO, the SUV fossil fuel Carbon Dioxidation that’s changing our Climate because Important Science People like Greta (PBUH) Pruneberg flew all the way here in HER PERSONAL airplane to tell us we’ll all drown from rising flour levels if we don’t listen to her.
Can’t argue with that.
Clearly, you get the memos an’ I don’t
Now I’m wondering if those satellites can be detected, or whether we only know where they are because they are transmitting their coordinates. Radar can pick out objects of a certain size at a certain distance, but I’m not sure whether the shoebox size satellites we are sending up these days fall within those limits.
Good questions
The limitations of visual, radar, and signal methods has undoubtedly evolved way beyond my old-school experience from back in the day.
I don’t know what the ephemeris-reporting routine is these days. Good project for some googling.
Then, there’s the really sneaky stuff that…
(What? Oh, right, I forgot)
Our radar is good enough to pick up hobby balloons, so I would assume the space aliens would be able to as they passed close enough. However, I think if they were to take a close look at us and what we’re doing, they would probably just shake their strangely shaped heads and move on. Not enough intelligent life here to concern themselves with.
Still waiting for the GIF of an F22 shooting down balloons at the Macy’s parade.
I’m pretty darn sure if they can cross Interstellar Space then they aren’t going to let a bunch of satellites bother them.
Just sayin’.