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Stuff That’s Hard to Do (19-25 May)
• New Shepard (alternative view) suborbital theme-park ride, SUN
(evidently they didn’t really need all ’em parachutes)
• Falcon9, NRO, VSFB, WED
(wee-hours fog, now that‘s the SLC-4 I remember, boring vid though)
• Falcon9, Starlink, Cape, WED (textbook night launch)
• Falcon9, Starlink, Cape. THU (another textbook night launch)
• Electron, Prefire, NZ, SAT
Cool Vids of the Day:
Rocket gymnastics
pic.twitter.com/HTZmnXk3XS— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 23, 2024
SpaceX rocket science is pure magic, imo.
“Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the real world.”
— Elon Musk pic.twitter.com/ObEVaba8gK
— TESLA CARS ONLY.⚡ (@teslacarsonly) May 24, 2024
Double, Double Toil and Trouble
The View host calls traditional Latin Mass extremist, cult like,
comparable to religions in the Middle East
Look, I have no dog in this fight
(non-religious and anti-religious are entirely different things),
but this sounds an awful lot like anti-semitic-style bigotry
and probably for the same reason:
so Islamist theocratic tyrants
and Commie a-theocratic tyrants
will slaughter them last
• Story
• Cultural ref Macbeth 4:1
What the Mayor Meant to Say Was…
• Story
Stuff That’s Hard to Do (12-18 May)
• Falcon9, Starlink SUN night, Cape
• Falcon9, Starlink TUE afternoon, VSFB
• Falcon9, Starlink FRI night, Cape (Stg-1’s 21st mission)
• Atmospheric ref
Caution: Woman Making a Choice wrt a Man
When socio-political absurdities pile on top of the routine absurdities in your cultural life,
go with a classical absurdity
• Cultural ref
Stuff That’s Hard to Do (5-11 May)
• Falcon9, Starlink MON lunchtime, Cape (textbook)
• Falcon9, StarlinkWED afternoon, Cape (nice vid of fairing being left behind: it’s not falling away, it’s still rising at thousands of mph, but the camera is accelerating away)
• Falcon9, Starlink THU midnight, VSFB