• Cultural ref
Stuff That’s Hard to Do (6-12 Oct)
US orbital launches this week:
As of 07OCT/1100 (times Eastern)
• MON Falcon9, Hera FL (no Stg-1 landing)
• WED 2:03 am, Falcon9, OneWeb, CA
• FRI 2:54 am, Falcon9, Starlink, FL
• SAT 12:19 pm, Falcon Heavy, Europa Clipper, FL
Launch schedules and viewing links here
Dunno, Really, I Nodded Off
• Cultural ref
Stuff That’s Hard to Do (1-5 Oct)
This Week’s US Orbital Launches:
As of: 04OCT/2200 (times Eastern)
• FRI Vulcan 2nd certification launch (SRB anomaly, discussion @2:00min)
FAA says investigation not warranted WTFnF? (can’t wait to hear what Elon has to say)