Author: DougM

Retired USAF LtCol ('70-'92, satellites eng/ops Air/Joint Staffs &c.) — MS, AFIT, Systems Eng / Astronautical Guidance & Control — BSE, UMich, Aerospace Engineering — Diploma, MCCC, Gunsmithing — NC Concealed-Carry Instructor — USCG Master's License, 50T Coastal — Now, just a sarcastic, lazy ol' slacker lookin' out on a NC fairway

Stuff That’s Hard to Do (Potential Threefer)

¡¡ UPDATE !!
Dramatic view of fairing half re-entry

Nice vid, especially of a fairing half flashing past @36sec

Three launches

Falcon Heavy (Viasat) Great night-launch video but no booster landings

Falcon9 (Starlink) Nice vid climbing out of the Vandenberg ground fog

Falcon9 (O3b Mpower) Textbook

Nature reminds everybody who’s boss

Nifty view of the Starship ascent/destruct from an airliner: