Author: DougM

Retired USAF LtCol ('70-'92, satellites eng/ops Air/Joint Staffs &c.) — MS, AFIT, Systems Eng / Astronautical Guidance & Control — BSE, UMich, Aerospace Engineering — Diploma, MCCC, Gunsmithing — NC Concealed-Carry Instructor — USCG Master's License, 50T Coastal — Now, just a sarcastic, lazy ol' slacker lookin' out on a NC fairway

Stuff That’s Hard to Do (16-22 June)

Routine eng/ops for us space-launch nerds:

• TUE night Falcon9, Starlink CA (textbook, nice vid)

• THU afternoon Electron, NoTimeTolouse NZ (mission #50)
• THU evening Falcon9, Astra FL (great vid and commentary)

Next Week: Four Falcon9s and a Falcon Heavy
Routine reminders:
– Times, Eastern
– Most official live-coverage links start around T-5min
– Only US-involved serious-business missions are included, not suborbital joyrides or foreign stuff
– Other entries are at my whim, since I’m mainly just entertainin’ myself, here
– Remember, space is hard