• Title cultural ref
(Remember, these cultural refs are for whippersnappers and future historians and PhD candidates)
Beware of Doug
• Ref
• Title cultural ref
• Cultural ref
• Header ref
(since I haven’t used this one in a couple’a years)
• Historical ref
• Title cultural ref
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⭐️ OldFert comment
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Looks like this was solved (but a joke’s a joke, so it stays here).
Trump then threatened to tariff Columbia for not taking returnees,
and the Left started a stadium-wave of gotchas over coffee prices,
but that wave died before making it all the way around the stadium
when Columbia agreed.
Interesting times… interesting times
Political ref (lots of great posts out there, but this one’s short)
Departed, Deported…
• Historical ref
I Swear…
• Historical ref