When socio-political absurdities pile on top of the routine absurdities in your cultural life,
go with a classical absurdity
• Cultural ref
When socio-political absurdities pile on top of the routine absurdities in your cultural life,
go with a classical absurdity
• Cultural ref
• Falcon9, Starlink MON lunchtime, Cape (textbook)
• Falcon9, StarlinkWED afternoon, Cape (nice vid of fairing being left behind: it’s not falling away, it’s still rising at thousands of mph, but the camera is accelerating away)
• Falcon9, Starlink THU midnight, VSFB
• Falcon9, Starlink SUN evening, Cape (nice vid)
• Falcon9, Worldview THU afternoon, VSFB (Stg-1 RTLS, return to launch site, LZ-4) (great vids)
• Falcon9, Starlink THU night, Cape (textbook)
Four launches are expected next week, starting Monday night.
I’ll post their schedules Mon as planning approaches reality,
i.e. after the ops guys make their no-kidding presentations to management
• Falcon9, Starlink TUE evening, Cape (nice vid) 300th Falcon landing!
• Electron TUE evening, NZ (nice vid)
• Falcon9, Galileo SAT night, Cape (no Stg-1 landing, no Stg-2 vid)
No current events to tie these to,
but I hate to waste a doodle,
so I’ll just dump these here
Sorry for the burden of lame jokes,
but this should serve as a reminder that
I’m just entertainin’ myself, here
• Falcon9, Starlink Wed evening, Cape
• Falcon9, Starlink Thu evening, Cape (no Stg-1 landing vid)