Now’s the age of the woke white woman supremacists
Why Space-Alien Invaders May Not Be a Big Threat
Imagine you’re an alien ship captain about to invade Earth,
and you detect all this near-Earth satellite traffic.
Would you chance it or assume that this is a planetary defense system?
I wonder if the astronomers looking for extra-terrestrial planets
hosting advanced, intelligent life are looking for a dense sphere of
satellites surrounding those planets. Seems like that would be a phase
of development that advanced technical civilizations must pass through.
(What? Well, yeah, satellites as we know ’em would be too small to detect from here,
but the thought still applies)
Stuff That’s Hard to Do (Falcon9 Twofer)
Starlink from Vandenberg
beautiful sunny daytime launch
nice landing vid
Inmarsat from the Cape
Just Like Home-Schoolers
jlw comment
• Story
• Story update
• Cultural ref (Procrustes)
Why I Don’t Do Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day.. 😂
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) February 14, 2023
If They Say So
• Story
• Picked up by Pookie’s Toons
*hehee* (Just found this)
As I am wont to say: original but not unique
Stole Me Ol’ Dad’s Joke
It’s the final 3sec
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 12, 2023
Ol’ Dad immigrated from Canadia and loved to make that joke.
Heck, I’ve made it here a handful of times, over the years, too.