I was looking for a good reason to post the video, below.
Luckily, Stilton provided a link to the same video in his post’s discussion, so …

~ Hope n’ Change ~
The first couple minutes is the important part.
~ vid ~
I was looking for a good reason to post the video, below.
Luckily, Stilton provided a link to the same video in his post’s discussion, so …
… and a brief Polish dog-poop militia clip. (oh, yeah, spew alert)
It’s fun to watch an honest Liberal discover the true nature of the left wing of the political spectrum.
No, not “fun.” Oh, what’s the word? Oh, yeah … “delicious.”
Juan Williams is one of the few people whom I almost never agree with but have a lot of respect for.
Watching his outrage at NPR’s multi-faceted jackassery warms my heart. It gives me hope that relatively honest Narrative™-spouting people will have their Template™ shaken enough to begin to see that conservatives may just have a valid point about the character of their overseer class, after all. No, there won’t be any mass defections, but maybe some will begin to feel uncomfortable using the old script.
Let’s watch Juan “get it” and express his outrage with great clarity.
The Left’s response to all this is a real treat.
When your enemy is self-immolating, offer to hold their coat.
Okay, one more.
~ vid ~
Two, two more.
~ vid ~
Inspired by TUA’s Zen post, below.
~ TheDailyCaller ~
Regular folks clean up after the leftist brats’ tantrum.
Your mama doesn’t work here, jackasses, clean up your friggin’ mess!
I think the next couple’a years are gonna look just like this.
We need to start a pool on how many “ewwww”s are heard during that effort.
Just occured to me:
Any chance the garbagemen’s union will get a court injunction to prevent this non-union cleanup?