Author: DougM

Retired USAF LtCol ('70-'92, satellites eng/ops Air/Joint Staffs &c.) — MS, AFIT, Systems Eng / Astronautical Guidance & Control — BSE, UMich, Aerospace Engineering — Diploma, MCCC, Gunsmithing — NC Concealed-Carry Instructor — USCG Master's License, 50T Coastal — Now, just a sarcastic, lazy ol' slacker lookin' out on a NC fairway

Stuff That’s Hard to Do (25-31 Aug)

• WED Falcon9, Starlink FL
Looked to me like one landing leg collapsed on Booster-1062’s 23rd landing (most ever),
after 236 successful Falcon9 landings in a row (Good discussion and vid details)
• SAT Falcon9, Starlink CA
• SAT Falcon9, Starlink FL
Hey, two out’a three ain’t bad

Next Week:
• WED 3:38 am Polaris Dawn (crewed) FL
Reminder: “Stuff That’s Hard to Do” is our title, after all.
Searching for the reliability/fatigue/life limits is part of engineering:
Use it until something goes wrong,
Fix the limiting problem,
Use it some more until something else goes wrong,
Fix that,
Rinse, Repeat
See Also: Progress
No initial design/build/operating plan is ever perfect
Y’gotta throw that pesky Reality™ at it, then pay close attention

Today, in Paranoia

Yeah, they’re all pretty much the same joke;
but sometimes it’s fun to try it multiple ways

Hey, these posts don’t cost ya nuthin’ so don’t whine.
Remember, I’m just entertainin’ myself, here.
I appreciate that folks have different thoughts and opinions,
but I really don’t care.
These posts’re just handprints on a cave wall, not Jefferson’s diary.