…what do you think the site’s new name should be?

We have to change the site’s name,
and we need some good ideas.
Keeping “SondraK” in the name might help with searches,
but mebbe not, if you have a good suggestion without it
Newer posts below
…what do you think the site’s new name should be?
Keeping “SondraK” in the name might help with searches,
but mebbe not, if you have a good suggestion without it
Okay, one more.
~ vid ~
Two, two more.
~ vid ~
Inspired by TUA’s Zen post, below.
~ TheDailyCaller ~
Regular folks clean up after the leftist brats’ tantrum.
Your mama doesn’t work here, jackasses, clean up your friggin’ mess!
I think the next couple’a years are gonna look just like this.
We need to start a pool on how many “ewwww”s are heard during that effort.
Just occured to me:
Any chance the garbagemen’s union will get a court injunction to prevent this non-union cleanup?