Harcos Laboratories, a maker of novelty products such as a “Zombie Blood” energy drink and a “Nuclear Energy Powder,” began selling an energy drink Tuesday inspired by Charlie Sheen’s proclamations that he has “tiger blood” and “Adonis DNA.”
“Tiger Blood Energy Potion,” the company’s website says, is “made from 100% passion specifically to make your brain fire in a way that’s not from this particular terrestrial realm.” The drink is packaged in a pouch resembling blood bags used by medical facilities and contains 80mg of caffeine…
With profound apologies to Rudyard Kipling, circa 1917, I offer a Tea Party poem:
—The Choice—
TO the Judge of Right and Wrong
with Whom fulfillment lies
Our purpose and our power belong,
Our faith and sacrifice.Let Freedom`s land rejoice!
Our bonds will be riven;
Once more to us the eternal choice
Of good or ill is given.Not at a little cost,
Hardly by prayers or tears,
Shall we recover the road we lost
In the spending and doubting years.But after the fires and the wrath,
But after searching and pain,
Tea Party opens us a path
To live with ourselves again.In We the People rejoice!
We see and hold the good–
Bear witness, nation, we have made our choice
For Tea Party`s brotherhood.Then praise the American Spirit
Whose Strength hath saved us whole,
Which bade us choose that we might suffer
But not the living Soul!
Master KisPian Mr. Colonel Jerry, SIR!!!
being gay is less gay
A sailor is accusing the Navy of baselessly trying to discharge him for “unprofessional conduct” in an effort to get around the recent “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal, after being found asleep in the same bed with another male sailor.
Navy Petty Officer Stephen Jones, a student at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Charleston, South Carolina, told CNN that on the night of February 5, a male sailor stopped by to watch the CW TV show “Vampire Diaries.”“He has come over to watch shows in the past,” Jones said.
The two watched the show on his bed but accidentally fell asleep…