If you’re having some sort of issue registering or logging in could you e-mail me at my GMail address over there in the sidebar? That way I can communicate directly with you and get it resolved specifically.
We’re trying real hard to keep up with stuff and finding the issues mentioned randomly in comments is making it a little more difficult than it needs to be. I can probably fix it easily if you all work with me here.
The Emir and a few others ( THANK YOU!!! ) have been working diligently on this for over two months. By starting over from scratch we not only know from start to finish how this blog operates, we’ll be able to fix and maintain it without too much trouble. Ourselves. I’ve put my gracious host through far far too much grief for all he has gifted me.
I know it’s a pain in the ass but we had no other option. For the last two or three years we have been frantically keeping the old site chugging along but it finally started falling apart and eating itself and we’ve been at the point where we have to close a post in order to post something new because we maxed out the stupid software.
I’d like to get everyone settled in as soon as possible so we can just shut up and blog. Ultimately this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to this blog besides all of you.